Online Website Payments Tools

All-in-one Payment Solutions

You can intergrate the GoGo2 Online Payment Gateway for easy payments and start accepting payments on your website. There are no hidden costs or monthly fees. Our services include a free payment gateway, a digital Bank account with a dedicated IBAN and a free Prepaid Debit Card for your expenses

Higher conversion rates

You can offer your customers an easy checkout experience by not redirecting them to an external page to complete their payment, which ultimately leads to a higher conversion rate

Settlement account

Because we provide you with an IBAN-enabled merchant account, you won’t need to set up a separate account to receive your business funds

48h Settlement

We provide 48h settlement so you can access your money quickly, without having to wait

Dedicated Support

Based on our experience you get dedicated support for your e-commerce business

Easy Integration

The One-time integration with the GoGo2 payment system is quick and easy to set up and easy to maintain with automatic updates

Centralized Platform

GoGo2 synchronises sales, refunds, bank transfers, customer data and allows you to manage all your payment channels through one centralised platform. This makes it easier for you to keep track of your finances and makes it simpler to process payments


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